Sleep Better Knowing the Nonprofit Experts are Taking Care of Business
When you are preparing your next budget, consider all the time you spend worrying about administrative tasks that you don’t feel confident your organization has the expertise to do efficiently and correctly.
Giving Trends Call Out the Importance of Attracting New Donors
Giving USA Foundation recently released their 2023 report on giving trends in the U.S., and there are plenty of takeaways that nonprofits should pay attention to.
Nonprofit MBA Podcast: Workplace Strategies for Nonprofits
Like employers in other sectors, nonprofits are facing workforce challenges. These challenges include turnover, job abandonment, shifting expectations about transparency and involvement in decisions, and dissatisfaction with pay and benefits.
Access Stable and Affordable Contracted Expertise
For a nonprofit to operate at its fullest potential, it takes a team of people with a variety of skills – from finances to technology to HR to fundraising – to make it work. This can be especially challenging for smaller organizations with limited staff. This is why you should partner with 501 Commons to receive the affordable help you need to ensure things run smoothly!
Taking Action Against Anti-Asian Hate
In the past two weeks, greater public attention has been called to anti-Asian hate. In Seattle, a man was charged with malicious harassment after two instances where he shouted profanities and threw things at Asian women and their children. In Atlanta, eight people were killed by a mass murderer, six of whom were Asian-American women.
Washington Gives: A New Year-Round Fundraising Platform
We are proud to announce the launch of Washington Gives, a year-round fundraising platform. We are making the GiveBIG fundraising platform available year-round to benefit organizations that do not have a website payment portal and to give all organizations year-round access to peer-to-peer fundraising.
We Can Help You Get Through Tough Times
If you’ve had to recently reduce staff, 501 Commons is here to help you push through these tough times and — hopefully — emerge on the other side stronger than before. Let’s start a conversation about how we can “fill the gaps” in key areas that may be getting pushed to the back burner or given to staff who are already too busy.
Ditch the RFP. Try Our Recommended Providers Instead!
Many organizations (sometimes spurred by board members) think they need to use an RFP to select a consultant. In cases of large government funded projects this may be the case.
Gratitude and Connection
The 501 Commons staff and board members are inspired every day by the creativity and commitment we see in the people and organizations we serve.
We Can Help You Get More Things Done in 2020
Need to get more done with limited resources? Want your internal operations to hum? Contracting for services from 501 Commons can reduce your costs or bring needed expertise at an extremely affordable rate.