Our Blog of News, Tips & Insights
Welcome to The Commons, 501 Commons' blog, where we share:
- How-to's, tips, and tricks from nonprofit tech, finance, HR, and other areas
- News and updates about upcoming events, programs, and services
- Thought-provoking pieces around topics, such as skills-based volunteerism, nonprofit management, and more
- Stories from clients about the impact of 501 Commons' programs and services
Plus, we invite your comments! Add your thoughts to these posts, so our blog truly becomes "The Commons."
Sustainable Leadership Series
Statewide Nonprofit Resource Directory consultant Amy Erickson wraps up her series on sustainable leadership with some tips on how to structure your day to incorporate time for mindfulness and increase your productivity and self-awareness.
Q&A from Our Google Apps Brown Bag
Our HandsOn Tech team recently led a Brown Bag on Google for Nonprofits. Here are our answers from the questions raised by our audience.
Techtacular 2013 in Pictures
Some highlights from the event, including the best superhero poses from the photo booth.
Changes to Salesforce Identity Confirmation
All you need to know to weather the upcoming changes to the Salesforce Identity Confirmation.
Techtacular: Our Superhero Sponsors
Thanks to the 200+ people who came to our superhero-studded bash and to our sponsors who made the party possible! From kryptonite cocktails and key lime bars to the operatic talents of the Unexpected Productions improvisers, it was a memorable evening.
Microsoft: Supporting the Integration of Technology at 501 Commons
In addition to their premier Techtacular sponsorship, Microsoft is also providing grant support for some big changes in technology at 501 Commons.
Know this if you plan on hiring
A new I-9 form is available from USCIS, and your organization needs to be ready to start using it before May 7th.
A Celebration of Nonprofits
Anticipation is building for the 2013 Washington State Nonprofit Conference, which is this Fri., May 17 in Bellevue. Our staff and service corps members will be among this year's presenters, discussing solutions on a shoestring and innovative approaches to nonprofit challenges.
Deloitte: Like-Minded Supporter of Nonprofit Tech
Global professional services company Deloitte and 501 Commons may not appear very similar at first glance, but both organizations are dedicated to helping nonprofits strengthen their management and effectively use technology.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Technology as Tool for Change
We’re proud to partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a sponsor for the upcoming Techtacular (April 4 at the HUB Ballroom)! Learn more about the Gates Foundation’s commitment to the nonprofit community and why they’ve chosen to support 501 Commons.