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The Commons

Our Blog of News, Tips, & Insights

Our Blog of News, Tips & Insights

Welcome to The Commons, 501 Commons' blog, where we share:

  • How-to's, tips, and tricks from nonprofit tech, finance, HR, and other areas
  • News and updates about upcoming events, programs, and services
  • Thought-provoking pieces around topics, such as skills-based volunteerism, nonprofit management, and more
  • Stories from clients about the impact of 501 Commons' programs and services

Plus, we invite your comments! Add your thoughts to these posts, so our blog truly becomes "The Commons."

FAQs: Tech Services at 501 Commons

Published Oct 01, 2012 09:05 AM

Beginning October 1, 501 Commons is offering the technology services previously provided by NPower Northwest. We are excited to welcome NPower clients to 501 Commons. You can learn more about this change and what it will mean for nonprofits in Washington State through these FAQs.

FAQs: Tech Services at 501 Commons - Read More…

Where To Go When It's Time To Grow Professionally

Where To Go When It's Time To Grow Professionally

Published Aug 20, 2012 10:45 AM

Whether we work in the nonprofit sector or serve it (as a consultant, bookkeeper, etc.), we’re a “driven” lot. Simply put, there’s a “passion” for the cause. Click through to learn more about a one stop shop for learning and networking opportunities for nonprofit professionals...

Where To Go When It's Time To Grow Professionally - Read More…

A Well-Informed Leader – What Nonprofit Leaders Are Reading

Published Jun 21, 2012 08:55 AM

Our days are long and filled with one challenge after another. It is tough to carve out time to read. So, many of us limit our reading to our field or mission. However reading outside of your field can help you develop this intellectual bandwidth. Click through to read some of our favorite recommendations.

A Well-Informed Leader – What Nonprofit Leaders Are Reading - Read More…

Our Favorite Sites for Nonprofit Resources Would Like to Meet Yours

Published Jun 18, 2012 10:05 AM

If you’ve been a reader of this blog, in the last six months, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the Nonprofit Resource Directory. This collection of top-notch, online resources and recommended service providers is becoming the “first stop” for nonprofit pros stumped in their job. The convenience of the Resource Directory – coupled with free phone and email help – is tough to top.

Our Favorite Sites for Nonprofit Resources Would Like to Meet Yours - Read More…

501 Commons Survey of WA State Nonprofit Capacity Building Needs

Published May 14, 2012 05:20 PM

We recently polled nonprofits in Washington State to learn what resources and services they need to increase their impact. We'll be using the survey results to ensure our services meet nonprofits' needs. Click through to read our summary of the results.

501 Commons Survey of WA State Nonprofit Capacity Building Needs - Read More…