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Grant Opportunities – Fall 2019

Posted Oct 31, 2019 11:48 AM
Get a jump-start on your 2020 funding by taking advantage of these upcoming grants.

Pacific Hospital PDA Nimble Grants
Nonprofits that improve healthcare access for underserved communities can apply for up to $30,000 for short-term projects, infrastructure/capacity development, planning, technology improvement, training, or policy/advocacy work. Funding may be used as a bridge to support staff salaries during the project year only if there’s a clear plan for ongoing future funding. You can submit an application for PHPDA’s Nimble Grant Fund at any time, but projects that need to be funded for the winter must be submitted by Nov. 15 at noon.

The Autzen Foundation
The Autzen Foundation awards grants to smaller Oregon-based nonprofit organizations with missions typically centered on youth, arts and culture, social services, education, or the environment. The submission deadline is Nov. 4, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

King County – Veterans, Seniors & Human Services Levy
King County is offering several funding opportunities that promotes healthy living, financial stability, social engagement, housing stability, and service system access for veterans, seniors, and vulnerable populations.

Best Starts for Kids – Positive Family Connections
This funding opportunity aims to fund programs and activities that strengthen families with children in middle school and high school. Positive Family Connections promotes family-centered engagements that provide positive sustaining interactions and development for youths. The deadline is Dec. 6, 2019.

Community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, tribes and tribal organizations, schools and school districts, and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County are eligible.

Social Justice Fund NW – Seed and Rapid Response Grant
Social Justice Fund NW supports organizations in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming that strengthen grassroots efforts to implement systematic social change. Seed Grants support new and emerging groups engaged in community organizing work that currently aren’t eligible for SJF Project Giving grants. Rapid Response Grants assist grassroots organizations that use a community organizing approach to respond quickly to the changing political climate.

Contact Magan Do at or (206) 624-4081 ext. 107 with your questions.