Aug 24, 2017 02:11 PM
Now is the time when many of you are thinking about next year's budget. Are you thinking about making room for technology upgrades? Make sure you have a plan to do so in 2018!
We ardently believe in the power of technology to enable nonprofits to work smarter and more efficiently. Steady funding of technology is essential to keeping your systems operating, avoiding catastrophes and security breaches, and keeping staff happy and productive.
Make an effort to prioritize technology when considering your 2018 expenditures. Here are a few helpful places to get started.
- Blackbaud offers a free white paper talking about how to persuade your board members and executive leadership to invest in better fundraising technology.
- The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits shares tips for funding technology.
- When writing grants to fund technology, don’t make it about the tech. Make it about your mission! Read Idealware’s biggest takeaways from their conversations with funders about writing winning technology grants.
- T.H.E. Journal lists seven strategies for education organizations to crafting tech grants that get funded.
- Of course, it never hurts to be reminded that NTEN, TechSoup, and Idealware are perfect avenues for finding discounts on technology upgrades, how-to articles, news, and best practices.
- Need further advice about technology planning and upgrades? Let us know how we can help!