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Helpful Resources: Grant Writing

Posted Oct 07, 2022 12:00 AM
Of the 87,142 foundations operating in the United States, 1,329 are in Washington State, and they awarded more than $3.9 billion to nonprofits in 2013. While individual gifts are an important avenue of generating revenue, the importance of grants and applying for grants cannot be ignored. We provide helpful grant writing resources and referrals that can help you raise the funds you need to support your mission.

The United States has 87,142 foundations that grant over $55 billion. Washington State is home to 1,329 independent, operating, corporate and community foundations, which award more than $3.9 billion. About 91% of those Washington funders are independent foundations that distribute nearly $3.8 billion, while 32 corporate foundations awarded about $30 million. (The Foundation Center, 2013)

Individual gifts dominate contributions, comprising about 80% of all gifts received by nonprofits. Still, while national studies cite foundation grants at only 15% of total giving, they are important sources of revenue for many nonprofits.

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