Jul 26, 2017 10:10 AM
Quality leadership at the top is critical to the success of every nonprofit. So what can you do to further hone your leadership skills and your ability to navigate through challenges?
We host quarterly Executive Director Forums at Pacific Tower for those of you who would like a safe and open environment to discuss pertinent issues with peers.
In our Resource Directory we have links to articles and tools relating to leadership development. Here are some noteworthy destinations:
- Many of the organizations recommended by nonprofits and listed in our Directory also offer professional development training opportunities. We’ve compiled a list here.
- The Center for Ethical Leadership provides toolkits, publications, and spaces to facilitate productive conversations framed within their unique community-based collective leadership model.
- Check out Bridgespan’s Nonprofit Leadership Development Toolkit that’s rife with videos, stories, lessons, and actionable next-steps that can be taken immediately.
- Have you joined the ED Happy Hour Facebook group yet? It’s exactly what you expect it to be and more!
- Race to Lead – This recently published report explores the issues that have led to the leadership of nonprofits being overwhelmingly white.
- Although this report is six years old, CompassPoint surveyed 3,000 executive directors in “Daring to Lead 2011,” providing insight into issues such as executive transitions, financial sustainability, compensation, well-being, and demographics.