Dec 01, 2014 03:15 PM
Dec. 2 is a day you can support nonprofits who are working hard to make our community better and our neighbors in need safer, housed, less hungry and so much more. Your nonprofit can get tips for making the most of this national effort, and 501 Commons will be most appreciative of your donation!

Giving Tuesday is meant to be a global day of giving back to those who are making our world a better place. On December 2, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
There are numerous ways a nonprofit can participate in #GivingTuesday. Unlike The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG, no prior registration is necessary. #GivingTuesday isn’t a formal event. It’s a movement to use crowdsourcing to your nonprofit’s advantage.
All you need is a plan, an excited staff team, and a mission that already has your community inspired to give back.
Here are some quick examples of what your #GivingTuesday campaign can look like:
- Publicizing #GivingTuesday through your website, social media, or e-mail.
- A board member or generous donor offering a matching gift.
- Organizing a volunteer project for people who cannot give a financial gift.
- Partnering with a like-minded nonprofit to put on friendly giving “competition.”
If your nonprofit wishes to participate in #GivingTuesday, check out these tools to help get you started. Good luck!
The good work of 501 Commons depends on the generous financial support of our community. Please remember 501 Commons on Giving Tuesday:
- Make a safe and secure online donation using your credit card. Click here to get started.
- Send your check payable to 501 Commons (no cash, please) to our office at Pacific Tower, Suite 1101, 1200 12th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144-2712