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Meet Three Leaders and Discuss Three Topics at the May 4 Executive Director Forum

Posted May 02, 2018 09:10 AM
Executive Director Forums are interesting and energizing and fun! You will have the opportunity to discuss all three topics with these outstanding leaders and your fellow executives.

The next King County Executive Director Forum is Friday, May 4 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Pacific Tower (Suite #810 on the 8th floor). Here are the leaders and topics:

Table discussion leader Jack Edgerton, executive director of
Eastside Baby Corner, is talking about how to motivate donors and volunteers through stories and images that enhance your brand. Jack has  25+ years of experience as a nonprofit executive, including as Development Director at Childhaven, Executive Director of Parent Trust and Facing the Future, and as a Regional Director of Girl Scouts in Western Washington.

Karen Dove, executive director of
ANEW, is leading a discussion on staying focused on what’s important, not urgent. Too often leaders let small tasks take up a disproportionate amount of their time when they should be focusing on work that further advances the organization’s mission. She will share ways you can ensure your time is well-spent.

Before leading ANEW, Karen led programs and advocated for policies to expand economic security in Montana. As a dedicated servant leader with a passion for social justice, she develops programs and partnerships to bring about systemic change that moves people toward family wage jobs.

Rita Meher is the co-founder and executive director of Tasveer. She will lead a discussion on how small boats can create big waves. Tasveer demonstrates how small organizations can leverage volunteers effectively and accomplish ambitious goals on a shoestring budget. She will share from personal experience how you can do the same thing.

Rita has worked previously as a Japanese translater and a video producer-editor. She edited the award-winning Bangladeshi documentary Threads and made her first short film, Citizenship101, based on her own immigrant experience. She was named Seattle Globalist of the Year in 2015, and a Rising Star by Northwest Asian Weekly.

Contact if you would like to receive a reminder email about other ED Forums happening in 2018. Organizations with annual budgets under $1 million can email for a discount code to receive free admission. Online registration ends on May 3 at noon.