This doesn’t mean that computers that still use the Windows 7 operating system will stop working, however. They will, but these PCs will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. After Jan. 14, Microsoft will no longer provide technical support, software updates, and security updates. Read Microsoft’s official announcement.
Even though Windows 7 launched on July 22, 2009, according to some estimates 39% of all PCs are still using it – despite the fact Microsoft stopped adding new features on January 13, 2015. So don’t be embarrassed if your organization hasn’t upgraded to Windows 10 yet! But now is the time to make this change. Although no one is forcing you to do this, it’s going to become impractical – and risky – to continue using an outdated system.
So how can you do that? It’s pretty straightforward upgrading a single PC or laptop to Windows 10, but doing that for your whole workplace is trickier; especially since many employees choose to work remotely. Fortunately, 501 Commons can lend a hand!
Just fill out this Request for Assistance Form and indicate in the “What issue do you want to address?” field that you are seeking to upgrade to Windows 10. Then, we’ll start a conversation with you about how to do that!