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SURVEY: Funders want to know how you build your leadership skills

Posted Feb 11, 2015 02:20 PM
A group of Washington state funders is interested in knowing what resources and programs are currently used and valued by nonprofit and community leaders and what gaps need to be addressed. They have hired CompassPoint Nonprofit Services to conduct a survey and to do interviews. Please give them your feedback by Feb. 26.

At 501 Commons we provide a wide array of programs, resources, and services that are designed to help nonprofit executives, board members, and other leaders make the world a better place. We know how much pressure leaders are under to make the most of limited resources and to provide quality programs.  We also know there are many outstanding emerging leaders who have had limited access to opportunities to develop their leadership abilities and skills.

We want to encourage you to share your experiences and your needs with a group of Washington State funders that is interested in knowing what resources and programs are currently used and valued by nonprofit and community leaders and what gaps need to be addressed.  They have hired CompassPoint Nonprofit Services to conduct a survey and to do interviews.  Please take 20 minutes to fill out this important survey by Feb. 26.

Who should take this survey?
Compasspoint is surveying executive directors and other leaders from nonprofit organizations, as well as community leaders and people involved in movements. They are also surveying providers and funders of leadership programs, resources, and services.

Your personal information and individual responses will not be shared without your expressed permission.

For nonprofit and community leaders, the survey topics include:

  • Your personal and organization leadership development needs.  What helps you become a more effective leader?
  • Your experience with programs and approaches that have helped you develop your knowledge and skills as a leader.  These might be peer gatherings, cohort programs, mentoring, leadership training, graduate programs, leadership or executive coaching, etc.
  • How available, accessible, and affordable are the leadership programs that are most helpful to you?
  • How could funders more effectively support you as a leader? 
Everyone learns and grows in different ways and through many different kinds of interactions.  Ensure the programs you value continue to be supported and ensure that funders and service providers like 501 Commons better understand what is most helpful to you. Thank you!

Take Survey by February 26.

If you have problems or questions, please contact Paola CubÍas, CompassPoint Project Coordinator, at or (510) 318-3721.