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Techtacular - It's going to be super!

Posted Feb 27, 2013 01:55 PM
Bringing together the best and brightest from Northwest technology, nonprofits, and philanthropy. Join us April 4 at the HUB Ballroom (parking at Padelford) for good food, good people, and stories of nonprofits wielding their superpowers to change the world. Thanks to our sponsors: Microsoft, Deloitte, Presidio, Gates Foundation, Accenture, SAP, Point B, Avanade, PwC, CA Technologies, Verizon, IBM, AT&T, Cisco, Dell, Oracle, Plaster Group,, Savvis, Slalom Consulting, and Sprint.

501 Commons is excited to continue this NPower tradition of bringing together the best and brightest in Northwest technology and nonprofit and philanthropic leaders. We'll be featuring blog posts about our spectacular sponsors, including premier sponsor Microsoft. In the meantime, mark your calendar and register here for the April 4 event at the brand new University of Washington HUB Ballroom.

Just like in years past there will be networking, great food, and the chance to learn how nonprofits are utilizing the latest and greatest technology. Be among the first to hear the never-before-told-very-super-cool story of how NPower passed along its technology superpowers to 501 Commons. You can also look forward to being regaled with stories of how nonprofits have wielded their superpowers to change the world. (These stories will involve villains, superheroes, and possibly kryptonite).

Capes not required, but festive attire is encouraged.

Thanks to all our spectacular sponsors: Microsoft, Deloitte, Presidio, Gates Foundation, Accenture, SAP, Point B, Avanade, AT&T, PwC, CA Technologies, Verizon, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Plaster Group,, Savvis, Slalom Consulting, and Sprint.