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Thank You to the 700+ Organizations We Served in 2017

Posted Feb 28, 2018 02:40 PM
On behalf of the 501 Commons board of directors and staff, thank you if you chose to use our services in 2017. During the year we provided 1,200 services to 700+ organizations, including more than 400 advisory queries.
Plus, our training and leadership development programs had 950 participants and our website was visited nearly 100,000 times. We provided services in 16 Washington counties, eight states, and the District of Columbia.

Most of the funding for our 30+ programs and services comes from those of you who use our services. When you make the decision to buy services from 501 Commons, you are not only getting access to our nonprofit expertise but are also reinvesting your money in the health of our sector.

Support for our free and low cost services and programs like
Catalystand Plan IT is provided by foundations, corporations, and individual supporters. We also leveraged $1.3 million worth of services donated by the 500+ professionals in our Executive Service Corps, as well as people who served in the Volunteer Manager Corps.

Partnerships are critical to how we serve our mission of helping nonprofits thrive and be a greater force for good. These include:
In 2018, as you work to build a better world, we are here to help you succeed.