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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Our Executive Service Corps is an on-call “pool” of professionals we contact when a project calls for their skill set. You decide if the project is of interest to you! If it’s not the right time, we place you back in the pool to await the next opportunity. If you do accept, you’ll generally work with another service corps member. Project lengths vary but consultants should plan to work 6-12 hours a month for 2-4 months. Below are some frequently needed skills and some current opportunities.

If you are contacted for a project, we ask that you respond promptly with a "yes, contact me" or "not interested" (no explanation needed). This allows us to match nonprofits with consultants efficiently and save time.

If you will not be available for a month or more, please let us know that you would like to be put on blackout. We can note the dates you are not available on your record and avoid contacting you when you are unavailable.

Email Christina Rogel at, to let us know if a project below interests you.

Current Opportunities

Executive Recruitment - Looking for volunteers with skills in recruitment. Activities include reviewing existing job description, conducting compensation review, recommend and manage recruitment postings, developing a screening and hiring process, and supporting interviews. Expect to spend 6-12 hours a month for 2-4 months.

Compensation Projects - Looking for volunteers with skills in compensation policy and analysis to. Expect to spend 6-12 hours a month for 2-4 months

Emergency Planning - Do you have emergency planning or business continuity skills? Let us know if you would like to volunteer this skills for 501 Commons' award winning Prepare. Respond. Serve. program.

Fundraising, Digital Marketing, and Social Media
Service corps members are especially needed in March and April for the GiveBIG Campaign Support program. You can help by contributing your fundraising skills and experience to help boost the capacity of local nonprofits while also enhancing your own consulting skills. If you have any of these skills you can help organization mount a successful campaign mid-April through early May. Expect to spend 12-15 hours over the 2 months with a fellow service corps member.

Fundraising, Digital Marketing, and Program management - Starting now!
A volunteer program manager for the GiveBIG Campaign Support program is needed to coordinate service corps engagements with organizations learning to do online fundraising. This role is estimated to take 6-10 hours a month between late February and the end of April.

Coaching - Any time!
We need certified coaches to provide leadership or performance coaching to executives and board members. Our typical coaching engagement is 15 hours over 6 months. Generally session are done using video conferencing.

Facilitate IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) Pathways
501 Commons is seeking volunteers with experience working or volunteering in an anti-racism or disability rights organization or providing IDEA-related consulting services. Consultants need to be skilled facilitators and a good listeners. Attending trainings or undertaking studies of implicit bias, racism, ableism, inclusive workplace culture, or other relevant topics would also contribute to your ability to help organizations assess their practices and make improvements.

The IDEA Pathways process mirrors our 5 Elements Pathways program. The organization forms a staff team to review a self-assessment. They meet 3-4 times with two service corps members to determine their self-assessment ratings and to set priorities. The consultants make recommendations for how the organization can take its next steps to improve their implementation of IDEA principles.

Advocacy - Do you have experience working on public policy issues as a community member or as a government, business, or nonprofit employee? Are you a community organizer, current or former elected official, or a lobbyist who knows how to influence public policy decisions? Expand the abilities of nonprofit staff and board members to advocate for changes in public policy and public opinion that make a difference for people and communities they serve.

Update Your Skills

Certain skills in our database are not very common, either because we do not get updates from service corps members as they grow their skills or because a skill has been added recently.

If you have skills or accreditations in these or other new areas let us know and we will update your skills in our database. To update your skills, contact Christina Rogel