Internal Nonprofit Management: 4 Tech Tools You Should Know
The sheer variety of software available gives nonprofits many options for how to fundraise and manage their operations, but it can also lead to confusion over which software solutions are a necessity and which are considered to be an unnecessary expense.
Discuss Accessibility and Conveying Your Mission Succinctly at the July 16 Executive Director Forum
Join discussion leaders Lindsay Klarman (Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center) and Scott Chin (Seattle's Union Gospel Mission) at the July 16 Executive Director Forum (9:00 to 10:30 via Zoom).
4 Tips for Optimizing Your Volunteers' Experience
Volunteers are the face and the main workforce behind many nonprofits, making them a crucial demographic to invest in. The better experience your volunteers have, the more likely they are to return to give more of their time—and maybe even money—to your cause.
3 Event Management Tips for Running a Safe Fundraiser
Nonprofits have long relied on fundraising events to bring in much-needed revenue for their missions—whether that’s with a walk-a-thon, a charity gala, a live auction, or another engaging get-together. And while certain events have always carried with them a certain level of liability (think: fun runs), the unfortunate reality is that in-person gatherings today are riskier than ever before.
Why Nonprofits Should Focus on Financial Literacy
For decades, nonprofit organizations have played a vital role in building healthy communities. One challenge that constantly faces them, however, is how to sustain operations during an economic downturn.
Get Ahead of the "Turnover Tsunami"
We are just recovering from the pandemic, and another challenge is overtaking nonprofits – the "Turnover Tsunami."
Grant opportunities – Summer 2021
Need additional funding? Of course! Take a look at these grant opportunities with deadlines that are either coming up soon or are being offered on a rolling basis.
How to Leverage Corporate Giving in Your Fundraisers
It’s no secret that nonprofits rely on individual donors and businesses to help push their missions forward. Meanwhile, companies look for opportunities to contribute to causes that resonate with them and communicate their values to the community.
Take Your Campaign Online: 5 Tips for Virtual Advocacy
Russ Oster, the CEO and Co-founder of Grassroots Unwired, dives into best practices for increasing meaningful engagement for your cause online. He writes about why it's important to leverage your digital outlets with intention, using his experience organizing grassroots campaign.
$10 Million in funding available to Washington nonprofit organizations
The State of Washington is releasing a $10 million Nonprofit Community Recovery (NCR) grant program for nonprofits with missions focused in the following areas:
4 Tips for Optimizing Your Donor Outreach Content
As a nonprofit fundraising professional, your team likely reevaluates your communications strategies at multiple touchpoints throughout the fundraising process. It’s necessary to know which areas you should optimize for improved donor outreach.
Taking Action Against Anti-Asian Hate
In the past two weeks, greater public attention has been called to anti-Asian hate. In Seattle, a man was charged with malicious harassment after two instances where he shouted profanities and threw things at Asian women and their children. In Atlanta, eight people were killed by a mass murderer, six of whom were Asian-American women.
How to Maximize Major Gifts With Machine Learning
Believe it or not, 88% of nonprofits’ revenue comes from the top 12% of their donors. This top tier of donors are those who contribute “major gifts.”
Salish School of Spokane Rises to the Challenge
Salish School of Spokane is a childcare center and elementary school that preserves and revitalizes the Salish people’s language and culture. The school was started by five women to provide immersion education to children ranging from infants to high school students, so that the Salish community may live on for future generations.
Put "Professional Development" on Your 2021 To-Do List
As we head into a new year, executive directors and supervisors should put continuing education for their employees high on their 2021 “to-do” list.
What to Consider When Taking Your Nonprofit Events Online: A Crash Course
When the pandemic hit, nonprofits were forced to adapt and grow their fundraising in a digital world. Now, hosting virtual fundraising events is a strategy many nonprofits are making a regular part of their fundraising calendar – for the long haul.
Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced nonprofits of all kinds to shift to remote working arrangements. Many are still struggling with the transition. But since the pandemic is still confining workers to their homes for the foreseeable future, it’s worth looking at tips that can improve remote work management.
3 Ways to Make Your Nonprofit’s Website More Accessible
As a nonprofit, you want your website to be as user-friendly as possible to attract more visitors and convert them into donors. You should build in regular slots of time to give your website a checkup, noting successful strategies and opportunities for improvement.
WA Organizations: Apply by Dec. 11, 2020 for COVID-19 State Funding
Eligible nonprofits in Washington State that have a primary business that’s been shut down or reduced by the pandemic – such as a performance venue, art/cultural exhibit, fitness center, or restaurant – can apply for state funding by Dec. 11.
Advance Your Fundraising Leadership Career
AFP Advancement Northwest is now accepting applications for their annual scholarship program for fundraising professionals.