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Apply to Be on the Northwest Nonprofit Venues Map

Nonprofit organizations, consultants, and other nonprofit specialists need venues for meetings and events, like board retreats, fundraisers, and trainings. Do you have a space the community can use? Let others know! We welcome listings, especially venues that offer free or discounted space for nonprofit purposes.

Listing Requirements

To add your venue to our Northwest Nonprofit Venues Map, first have the following, bulleted details at-hand. This is especially important, since the application form cannot be saved in-progress.

  • Name of venue (as listed on your website)
  • Street address, city, county, state, and zip code
  • Phone (direct line to venue rental services if available)
  • Venue's rental web address (if not available, venue's homepage address)
  • One sentence description of venue/organization if it is not obvious from the venue's name
  • List of available spaces at the venue, including name of each space and its capacity
  • List of available amenities, including tables, chairs, AV equipment, catering, parking, lodging, and nonprofit discounts

Note: We also request contact information for our internal use, which will not be made public.

Add Your Venue

Venues wanting to be listed on the Northwest Nonprofit Venues Map can use our online application. In addition to preparing the above information in advance, take a minute to click the button below to review the form. This will help ensure you have all of the required information and can complete and submit the form in one sitting (partially completed applications cannot be saved).

Venues Map Application Button

Questions About the Map or the Nonprofit Resource Directory?

For questions, visit the Northwest Nonprofit Venues Map page or our Resources section. You can also contact Greg Scully, our Manager of Nonprofit Resources & Community Partnerships.