The King County Nonprofit Employee Engagement Survey Report compiles responses collected from 1,233 full-time and part-time employees representing 263 organizations.
Reading it will give you a better understanding of how people feel about their jobs, how likely they are to remain with their current employer, factors that lead to high employee engagement, ways to attract and retain staff, and methods for improving overall happiness in the sector.
The Employee Engagement Survey was open to anyone who works for a nonprofit organization located in King County or that serves people in King County. The survey link was available online and was shared in 501 Commons and King County newsletters, targeted emails, blog posts, and social media. During the campaign, 9,787 nonprofit employees were emailed an invitation to participate. Information about the survey was shared with coalitions, funders, and businesses that provide services to nonprofits.
Download the Employee Engagement Survey Report
While survey participants are from nonprofits with a broad array of missions and sizes, care should be taken to avoid assuming that the survey results represent all King County nonprofits.
Here are some notes about whose perspectives were gathered:
- The 1,233 survey respondents represent organizations ranging from fewer than five employees to more than a thousand employees from various nonprofit sectors. A third of participants (33%) are from organizations with 100 – 999 employees. Less than a third (28%) are from much smaller organizations with 6 – 25 employees.
- 67% of survey respondents identified as female, 19% as male, 4% as non-binary, and 6% prefer not to say. 56% percent of participants identified as heterosexual and 25% LGBTQ. Notably, 19% preferred to not say or did not answer the sexual orientation question, a high percentage of participants.
- The racial makeup of respondents is aligned with the 2020 census figures for King County. American Indian/Alaska Native comprise 2%, Asian Americans comprise 13%, Black/African Americans comprise 7%, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders comprise 1%, and 57% are white. More than 5% of participants indicate two or more races.
Please email if you have any questions about the survey. Please put "Employee Engagement Survey" in the subject line.
If more than 5 employees in your organization participated in the survey, you can receive a customized report for your organization. Contact Jenny Lundqvist at