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Washington Gives

1,500 nonprofits fundraise on the Washington Gives year-round platform

WA Gives LogoWashington Gives is an online giving platform that helps individuals, groups, and businesses to discover and donate to nonprofits headquartered or serving Washington State.

Each year Washington Gives hosts two fundraising campaigns:

  • GiveBIG: A Washington-focused campaign that kicks off in late April and culminates in a 48-hour giving event on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of May.
  • GivingTuesday: An international campaign that is always the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. GivingTuesday will be December 3, 2024.

The Washington Gives website is supported by Mightycause, a trusted nonprofit fundraising technology partner. Whether you're an organization that already has a web portal for soliciting donations or not, there are many features on Washington Gives that you'll find appealing, such as:

  • Peer fundraising capabilities
  • Matching funds
  • Enhanced visibility to the community (and potential new donors!)
  • Ability to create a beautiful profile page full of images, video, files, and links
  • An easy way to supplement your existing fundraising or capital campaigns

Register for Washington Gives

Registration is open for Washington Gives! After you join the platform, you can access the nonprofit toolkit for the latest logos, video tutorials, and other free resources.

New to Washington Gives and fundraising? Watch this video that walks you through the registration process and how to set up your organization's profile page:

Watch this presentation by Mightycause to learn how to maximize your fundraising through your Washington Gives profile:

From participating in GiveBIG to planning other fundraising campaigns (such as GivingTuesday), you have many opportunities to keep raising funds using powerful features like peer-to-peer fundraising, matching grants, and a full advanced feature set. Bethany Natoli provides an overview of these features and how they can supercharge your upcoming fundraising campaigns.

About GiveBIG

GiveBIG is a statewide fundraising campaign where individuals and organizations come together across Washington to invest in our communities. When we give, we take a proactive step towards creating the society we want to live in.

Every spring, the excitement for GiveBIG builds through word-of-mouth, social media, and an extensive multimedia promotional campaign, with local celebrities and sports teams firing up the community to show their generosity.

In 2023, 46,034 donations were made to 1,409 nonprofits. These donations combined with donor-advised funds (DAF) and IRA contributions, matching donations from individuals and companies, sponsors, and in-kind contributions from local media companies totaled $12.8 million!

GiveBIG was started by the Seattle Foundation in 2011 and transferred to 501 Commons in 2018. Since its inception, nonprofits have raised more than $188 million!

How can I participate in the campaign?

  • Nonprofits: Register for GiveBIG to access the platform, training, and the resources you need to make your campaign a success.
  • Individuals: Besides finding a new nonprofit to give to or donating to a nonprofit you already support, there are many ways to not only give but spread the word!
  • Businesses: Demonstrate your company's values to your employees and your customers by participating in GiveBIG! Interested? Contact Greg Scully.
  • Sponsors: GiveBIG isn't possible without the support of our sponsors. The program still has lots of room to grow! Sponsor GiveBIG. Interested? Contact 501 Commons Executive Director, Nancy Long.
  • Media Partners: GiveBIG, like any fundraising event, thrives on word of mouth. Interested? Contact Greg Scully.

Visit the Washington Gives website

Why Washington Gives and GiveBIG?
Invest in Your Organization's Success!

Washington Gives can be a powerful tool to help nonprofits identify new donors and deepen engagement with current supporters. Generally, 20% of the donations organizations received were from first-time donors. We can increase that number by broadening the reach of the overall promotional campaign and by engaging people who are passionate about nonprofits to reach out to first-time givers.

Free Nonprofit Fundraising Assistance

501 Commons provides guides, toolkits, and training to support participating nonprofits. Nonprofits encourage their supporters to create effective peer-to-peer campaigns, use Washington Gives and GiveBIG to identify new donors, and leverage matching funds to increase donations.

Not a fundraising expert? Nonprofits that have registered to participate in GiveBIG receive the Fundraising Accelerator newsletter right to their inbox every two weeks leading up to the GiveBIG campaign with actionable next-steps and links to resources and tools for your preparations.

Thank you to the GiveBIG Nonprofit Advisory Council!

Council members champion the day of giving, raising awareness of GiveBIG within the nonprofit community and beyond. The Council advises 501 Commons and its partners in areas such as promotional strategies, fundraising training, sponsorship and more.

2024-2025 GiveBIG Nonprofit Advisory Council Members

Sawsen Mohammed - Human Rights Protection & Global Peace

Alyssa Woodruff - Bridgeview Resource Center

Nanette McCann - Homeward Pet Adoption Center

Michelle Bart - National Women's Coalition Against Violence & Exploitation

Brandon Fuamatu - UTOPIA Washington

Rebecca O'Neil - Shattered Glass Project

Jarrelle Maurice Marshall - RECLAIM

Stuart Earley - Tahoma Bird Alliance

Nora Weiss - Atlantic Street Center

Pam Knepper - Free Clinic of SW Washington

Fernanda Gwinner - Friends of the Columbia Gorge

Kimmy Nguyen - School's Out Washington & One America

Brynna Counts-Morgan - Washington Trails Association

Kim Alva - Hopelink

Corinna Krauskopf - Fearless Philanthropi

Jeremy Dashiell - Food Lifeline

Briana Stevenson - Seattle Humane

Learn more about the GiveBIG Council