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Plan IT

Affordable Technology Planning for Nonprofits

Plan IT

Technology helps nonprofits raise money, be more productive, measure program effectiveness, and communicate. Plan IT is an action-learning program that empowers nonprofit organizations to make technology a reliable partner in achieving their missions.

Learn.  Plan.  Grow.

Wondering what technologies your organization is using? Our Plan IT assessment will help you identify the technology currently in use and its status.

Are you considering a tech project or major investment? Our Service Corps consultants share their knowledge and experience with you, so that you gain insight into project feasibility.

Need help imagining how technology can empower your organization? Work with our experts to imagine a better tech future and how to get there.

Has your technology research and planning stalled? Cut the time it takes to make a technology change in your organization with a 12–18-month custom Plan IT action plan.

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About Plan IT

Many technology tools and resources are affordable and easy to use – and better yet, many of these platforms offer special discounts for nonprofits! However, it can be difficult to make good technology decisions when there are so many options out there. Join the 100+ organizations that have capitalized on the Plan IT program to help them make better use of technology.

The personalized training offered by TechOE program staff and the consulting provided by your two consultants are valued at $12,600. However, Plan IT is very affordable because of the support we receive from companies and individuals to cover much of the cost! Additionally, our skilled service corps members volunteer their time to serve as your Plan IT consultants.

“Plan IT is an excellent program which demystifies technological challenges facing nonprofits and turns them into opportunities tailored to each participating organization.” - Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra

How it works...

Your team of approximately three staff members will meet three times throughout the project with the TechOE program manager to evaluate progress. You will meet more frequently (at a mutually convenient times) during the multi-month Plan IT project with your volunteer consultants. Your consultants have a broad knowledge of technology and are supported by the expertise of 501 Commons staff.

You will complete:

  • An assessment of your organization’s technology infrastructure and use of technology tools
  • A "key issues" report based on the assessment
  • A detailed action plan

To qualify, your organization must:

  • Have 501(c)(3) status
  • Provide at least two (preferably three) staff members to participate throughout the multi-month process (a board member may participate if an additional staff member is not available)
  • Commit to each participant spending 8-10 hours per month for the duration of the planning program

Four steps to better technology...

Project Check Ins: Participants meet three times during the project with the TechOE program manager to evaluate progress and share their experiences. The first meeting will be a program launch, followed by a mid-point check in and a final wrap up.

Technology Assessment: Plan IT participants complete a comprehensive assessment of their organization's technology. The assessment document will ask questions regarding the organization's technology infrastructure, website, database, use of social media, and general office technology. You will discuss the results of your assessment with your consultants and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Key Issues Report: Consultants and organizational representatives discuss key issues based on the tech assessment. The Key Issues Report identifies three key issues the organization should address in their Plan IT Action Plan.

Plan IT Action Plan: Project teams will further analyze 1-5 key issues determined from the report, define organizational goals, and list detailed actions the organization will take to accomplish these goals.


Organizations that have participated in Plan IT report that they come away with a better understanding of the strengths and challenges with their technology. Having a detailed plan allows them to take practical and often inexpensive steps. The staff feels more confident in making investments in technology, hiring contractors or vendors, and in recruiting and managing volunteers who support technology.

Organizations completing the program have reported that they were very satisfied with their experience and ready to take action on their plan. Nearly 100% agree that they are likely to achieve the objectives of their Action Plan.

When you and your team participate in Plan IT, you get

  • Easy-to-use action plans. Your team will co-create with your consultants a list of final deliverables, outcomes and standards, a staffing plan, and deadlines and milestones that your organization can reasonably achieve within 12 to 18 months based on your organization’s resources.
  • Opportunities to expand your team's knowledge through consultant-guided, self-assessment and evaluation using our time-tested assessment tools based on proven nonprofit technology benchmarks.
  • Vendor-neutral consulting. We won't try to sell you a specific brand or service. Instead, we focus on what you want to achieve and how tech can help. If you request it, we can assist with developing criteria for vendor selection.
  • Excellent value at a low rate. A detailed plan reduces the risk of late or failed projects. Our skilled service corps members donate their time to help you plan and improve your use of technology.
  • Consultants invested in your success. Our consultants pace your planning project to maximize the benefits of your time together. Projects are generally completed within 2 to 3 months (longer for larger projects).


Schedule a Project

If you are interested in scheduling a Plan IT project for 2024, please contact Kai Dailey,

Plan IT Pricing

The consultation provided by your two consultants is valued at $12,600 for a 60-hour project. However, you pay much less thanks to the financial support of our sponsors and the generosity of our expert service corps volunteers who donate their time as your Plan IT consultants. Your fee is based on the scope of the planning project.

We offer three project sizes (Mini, Targeted, and Comprehensive). Each project scope is designed to align with an organization’s budget to ensure successful completion of the program. All Plan IT projects include*:

  • Two Consultants

  • Consultant-guided, self-assessment process

  • Summary of Assessment Results

  • Key Issues Identified

  • Action Plan to address 1-5 key issues (depending on project size)

  • Approx. 2 to 6-month project duration (depending on project size)

Recommended Budget Size

Plan IT Fee*

Project Size**

$2,000,000 or less


12–18-month Action Plan to address 1 Key Issue
Approx. 2-3 mo. project duration


$2,000,001 to $10,000,000


12–18-month Action Plan to address 2-3 Key Issues
Approx. 3-4 mo. project duration

$10,000,001 or greater


12–18-month Action Plan to address 4-5 Key Issues
Approx. 6-mo. project duration

*Includes optional follow-up check-ins at 6 and 12-months with 501 Commons staff. Additional outreach provided at 501 Commons discretion.

**Multi-domain projects are available for larger organization with complex IT infrastructure or multiple locations. Contact or more information.

Support Plan IT

If you would like to make a corporate, foundation or individual gift to support nonprofits having access to secure and effective technology, please contact LeeAnn Stivers at or Greg Scully at


Want to know if Plan IT is a good fit for your organization? Contact Kai Dailey at